
カテゴリー: にんにくスプラウトパウダー Page 5 of 7


今朝(7/13)のあさイチ(NHK総合)のピカピカ日本 解決!ゴハンで福島県いわき市のスプラウトにんにくが紹介されていました。


2000年から研究開発に取り組んできた食用植物 にんにくスプラウト を原材料にした栄養補助食品の販売というテーマで、大分県から経営革新計画の承認をいただきました。



オリコンCSランキング | 医療保険関連ニュースに掲載
朝日放送の「みんなの家庭の医学」(2013年 8月13日放送分)
ニンニクと言えば、「滋養強壮」「疲労回復」「夏バテ防止」など様々な健康効果が話題にされてきたが、松尾恵太郎先生(九州大学大学院 医学研究院 予防医学分野教授)によると、「大腸がんの予防」が期待されているという。

<『みんなの家庭の医学』おさらいニュース>大腸がん予防に「ニンニク」 |医療保険関連ニュース|オリコンCSランキング


以下は、American Association for Cancer Research公式ウェブサイトに掲載の研究論文からの一部抜粋です。


Identification of agents that are non-toxic but can delay onset and/or progression of prostate cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men in the United States, is highly desirable. We now demonstrate that oral gavage of garlic constituent diallyl trisulfide (1 and 2 mg/d, thrice/week for thirteen weeks beginning at eight weeks of age) significantly inhibits progression to poorly-differentiated prostate carcinoma and pulmonary metastasis multiplicity in Transgenic Adenocarcinoma of Mouse Prostate (TRAMP) mice without any side effects. There was a trend of a decrease in average wet weights of the urogenital tract and prostate gland in 1 and 2 mg DATS-treated mice compared with controls (~25-46% decrease in DATS-treated mice compared with controls). The incidence and the area of the dorsolateral prostate occupied by the poorly-differentiated carcinoma were significantly lower in both 1 and 2 mg DATS-treated mice compared with control mice. In addition, DATS administration resulted in a statistically significant decrease in pulmonary metastasis multiplicity compared with controls (P= 0.002). The dorsolateral prostate from DATS-treated TRAMP mice exhibited decreased cellular proliferation in association with induction of cyclinB1 and securin protein levels, and suppression of the expression of neuroendocrine marker synaptophysin. However, DATS administration did not have any appreciable effect on apoptosis induction, angiogenesis or natural killer and dendritic cell function. In conclusion, the results of the present study demonstrate, for the first time, that DATS administration prevents progression to invasive carcinoma and lung metastasis in TRAMP mice.

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非毒性であるが、発症および/または米国における男性の癌関連死の第二の主要な原因である前立腺癌の進行を遅らせることができる薬剤の同定は、非常に望ましい。私たちは現在、ニンニク成分ジアリルトリスルフィドの強制経口投与(生後8週齢で始まる13週間1および2mg/日、三度/週)は大幅にマウスのトランスジェニック腺癌で低分化前立腺癌および肺転移多重度への進行を阻害することを実証している副作用のない前立腺(TRAMP)マウス。対照(〜コントロールと比較DATS処置マウスにおける百分の25から46までの減少)と比較して1および2mg DATS処置マウスにおける尿生殖路および前立腺腺の平均湿潤重量の減少の傾向があった。発生率および低分化癌によって占有背外側前立腺の領域は、コントロールマウスと比較して両方の1および2mg ジアリルトリスルフィド(DATS)処置マウスにおいて有意に低かった。また、ジアリルトリスルフィド(DATS)投与は、対照(P=0.002)と比較して肺転移の多数の統計的に有意な減少をもたらした。展示DATS処置TRAMPマウスから背外側前立腺サイクリンの誘導およびタンパク質レベルセキュリン対応付けて細胞増殖を減少し、神経内分泌マーカーシナプトフィジンの発現の抑制。しかし、ジアリルトリスルフィド(DATS)政権は、アポトーシス誘導、血管新生またはナチュラルキラーと樹状細胞機能上の任意のかなりの影響がありませんでした。結論として、本研究の結果は、初めて、その投与はTRAMPマウスにおいて浸潤性癌および肺転移への進行を防止するジアリルトリスルフィド(DATS)。



高倉 健さんは




出典 老化まっしぐら!?活性酸素が増えるダメ習慣|東洋経済オンライン


2009年11月22日付 アレクサンドリア大学(エジプト) 理学部 生化学科 発表

国立癌研究所(米国)発表の概況報告書 題名「ニンニクとがん予防」

2008年1月22日付 国立癌研究所(米国)発表の概況報告書

いくつかの集団研究は、ニンニクの増加摂取と胃、大腸、食道、膵臓、および乳房の癌を含む特定の癌、リスクの低下との関連性を示している。集団研究は、病気の原因、発生率、または広がりを調査または健康関連介入、食事と栄養摂取、または環境曝露の影響を調べる人口グループの学際的な研究である。 7集団研究からのデータの分析は、胃のリスクおよび結腸直腸癌低く、消費生および調理ニンニクの量が高いことが示された。

Do findings from population studies offer evidence that garlic may prevent cancer?
Several population studies show an association between increased intake of garlic and reduced risk of certain cancers, including cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast. Population studies are multidisciplinary studies of population groups that investigate the cause, incidence, or spread of a disease or examine the effect of health-related interventions, dietary and nutritional intakes, or environmental exposures. An analysis of data from seven population studies showed that the higher the amount of raw and cooked garlic consumed, the lower the risk of stomach and colorectal cancer.
The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) is an ongoing multinational study involving men and women from 10 different countries. This study is investigating the effects of nutrition on cancer. In the study, higher intakes of onion and garlic were associated with a reduced risk of intestinal cancer.
The Iowa Women’s Study is a large prospective study investigating whether diet, distribution of body fat, and other risk factors are related to cancer incidence in older women. Findings from the study showed a strong association between garlic consumption and colon cancer risk. Women who consumed the highest amounts of garlic had a 50 percent lower risk of cancer of the distal colon compared with women who had the lowest level of garlic consumption.
Several population studies conducted in China centered on garlic consumption and cancer risk. In one study, investigators found that frequent consumption of garlic and various types of onions and chives was associated with reduced risk of esophageal and stomach cancers, with greater risk reductions seen for higher levels of consumption. Similarly, in another study, the consumption of allium vegetables, especially garlic and onions, was linked to a reduced risk of stomach cancer. In a third study, greater intake of allium vegetables (more than 10 g per day vs. less than 2.2 g per day), particularly garlic and scallions, was associated with an approximately 50 percent reduction in prostate cancer risk.
Evidence also suggests that increased garlic consumption may reduce pancreatic cancer risk. A study conducted in the San Francisco Bay area found that pancreatic cancer risk was 54 percent lower in people who ate larger amounts of garlic compared with those who ate lower amounts.
In addition, a study in France found that increased garlic consumption was associated with a statistically significant reduction in breast cancer risk. After considering total calorie intake and other established risk factors, breast cancer risk was reduced in those consuming greater amounts of fiber, garlic, and onions.




以下、論文「Abstract はじめに」の対訳
Allium vegetables, such as garlic, have been used for medicinal purposes throughout the recorded history. The known health benefits of Allium vegetables constituents include cardiovascular effects, improvement of the immune function, lowering of blood glucose level, radioprotection, protection against microbial infections, and anti-cancer effects. Initial evidence for the anti-cancer effect of Allium vegetables was provided by population-based case-control studies. Subsequent laboratory studies showed that the Allium vegetable constituents, such as diallyl disulfide, S-allylcysteine, and ajoene can not only offer protection against chemically induced cancer in animal models by altering carcinogen metabolism, but also suppress growth of cancer cells in culture and in vivo by causing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction. Suppression of angiogenesis and experimental metastasis by Allium constituents has also been reported. Defining the mechanism by which sulfur compounds derived from Allium vegetables inhibit cancer cell growth has been the topic of intense research in the last two decades. Some Allium vegetable constituents have also entered clinical trials to assess their safety and anti-cancer efficacy. This article summarizes preclinical and limited clinical data to warrant further clinical evaluation of Allium vegetable constituents for prevention and therapy of human cancers.

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日本大学生物資源科学部生命化学科栄養生理化学研究室教授で農学博士である関 泰一郎氏の研究によって、DATS(ジアリルトリスルフィド)は、がん細胞が増えていく過程で登場するチューブリンというタンパク質が細胞分裂に関与することを阻害し、“細胞の自殺”と言われるアポトーシスを起こすことが分かっています。

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